Poly Glide Court Dressing is made of processed cornmeal and styrene beads. The cornmeal is sifted through special vibrating screens that remove large particles and flour. Screening provides the desired size for mixing with the styrene (Approx. 40 mm). The processed cornmeal is then treated. The styrene beads are treated to be anti-static.
A magnified picture of the corn and beads shows that the corn is used to hold the bead in place when a disc travels over it. The bead rotates, as does a ball bearing, and its lubrication is the "siliconized" finish that lies beneath it.
Each of our seven dry dressings is made for a specific purpose.
3. Poly Wind Guard is a moist product that combines treated cornmeal and styrene beads in a unique formulation to keep the dressing on a court when it is windy. It is laced with silicone to keep it wetter longer.
4. Poly Wind Resister is a moist all bead product that best serves a court that requires extra speed on very windy days.
5. Poly Blaze is the first tournament style court dressing. A faster mix for Diamond Polished Courts. Resistant to light winds. Passes through 5/32" spreader holes.
6. Poly Eastern Mix is made for Eastern style shuffleboards. Slower than Poly Glide with better holding power. An economical alternative to glass beads.